Let's Talk about Shapes!

"Circle" in Hebrew is Igul (עיגול), pronounced ee-gool. It’s a cute and simple little word, isn't it? It really comes in handy when you try to handle yourself in Hebrew!  

Now, let's take a look at a few other shapes in Hebrew. First, we have a "ribua" (ריבוע), which is a square, and then we have a "meshulash" (משולש), which is a triangle. If you already have an ear for Hebrew, these words might sound a tiny bit familiar…  

That's because they sound A LOT like the Hebrew words for the numbers four, "arba" (ארבע), and three, "shalosh" (שלוש), respectively. A ribua has arba sides, and a meshulash has shalosh sides. And in English: a square has four sides, and a triangle has three sides.  

Cool, right? Isn’t it amazing how every moment of every day, no matter where you look, learning opportunities surround you? Thanks to Rosen, these opportunities will not go to waste… So, join us today, watch your Hebrew take shape, and turn into an inspiring and exciting part of your life!