The Heart of Israel

Learn modern Hebrew online

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    If your "Lev" is in the right place…

    In Hebrew, the word "Lev," which means "heart," is a very useful one. You can see it everywhere, and it is used in many different phrases, mostly positive ones. If someone has ometz lev (אומץ לב), then they're very brave, and have a very strong character. If someone has lev rachav (לב רחב), it literally means they have a "wide heart," meaning they're generous and giving.

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    Pay attention to your Heart

    Tsumet lev (תשומת לב) is a Hebrew phrase you'll hear over and over: it means "attention." Literally, it's "to give someone a heart." That means in Hebrew, when you pay attention to someone, you are giving them your heart in a way. When you understand that, it makes this Hebrew phrase so much more touching and meaningful! And it's not the only one. Learning Hebrew will reveal many such connections.

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    Hebrew is the Heart of Israel!

    Hebrew is the heart of Israel: you're always surrounded by the letters, words and phrases this unique and exciting language is based on. Knowing the heart of the place will surely make you feel closer to it! So if your heart speaks Hebrew, there's nothing better than joining the Rosen School of Hebrew, which offers the best online live classes, from the comfort of your home.

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What Our Students Say About Us


"Topics are clearly explained and the class pace is appropriate for non-native speakers of Hebrew. The instructor is very responsive to the students’ questions."

Silvia Berger, USA

"I love my teacher, she is awesome. The class companions this course are also great. I feel we are at similar levels making it easier than in other courses, to follow the class and learn."

Delia Bornsztein, USA

"My Hebrew class is one of the highlights of my week. I look forward to engaging with the teacher, my fellow students, and the connection it provides to the country and the language of Israel."

Marni Hellner, Canada

"I have the pleasure of spending an hour each week with the delightful Ruti. I hope to master the verb forms and become more conversational, but in the meantime, it is a delightful experience."

Naomi Robertson, Australia

Our Academic Partner:The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Rosen School of Hebrew offers certification programs where students can master Hebrew, while having the option to get academic credit from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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Join students around the world in live, interactive, online courses and start learning Modern Hebrew from the top language instructors in Israel. Discover the beauty of Modern Hebrew and deepen your understating of the Israeli culture and people.



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